Mountie chasing a bear is the most Canadian thing ever

A Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman was captured chasing a black bear from a park in Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta. 

The young bear can be seen climbing a tree in the park as Sgt. Clayton Wilbern approaches with caution. But the moment the bear begins to retreat, Wilbern jumps into action, chasing the bear from the park in an attempt to scare it off. 

According to Wilbern, the bear came a little too close to a nearby playground, making the situation more dire.

"It was heading towards a playground where there was a whole bunch of kids playing," he told the CBC. "So we tried to get it to go around the playground, which luckily we did.… Hundreds of people were watching us as we were trying to get the poor little guy out."

Becuase it's Canada's 150th birthday this year, RCMP officers are often decked out in red serge.

"It was very Canadian," said Wilbern.

While it's common to see wildlife in the area, this bear manages to get awfully close to the busy downtown area. It's important to keep  bears as far from people as possible so they don't get acquainted to interactions, and lose their fear of humans. Bears unafraid of humans can cause serious issues, including food dependencies and possible attacks.