Most Russians back Ukraine war, survey results show


A majority of Russians back their country's invasion of Ukraine, a new poll by the independent Levada Center revealed on May 16.

The majority of respondents (71%) would support Russian dictator Vladimir Putin if he decided to end the war "this week" (in October 2023, it was 70%). However, if Putin decided to end the war on the condition of returning the occupied territories, less than a third of Russians would support his decision (30%; in October 2023, it was 34%).

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The researchers note that over the past 18 months, the Russians attitudes on this issue have not changed much. More than half of the respondents (57%; in August 2022, it was 54%) believe that the majority holds the same views on the war as they do. A quarter of respondents believe that their views are shared by half of the Russians, and only 5% are confident that the majority of other Russians hold opposing views.

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"The following discrepancy in views is noteworthy: although the idea of continuing military operations is supported by a smaller proportion of Russians, three-quarters of them believe that the majority of the population holds the same opinion (which does not correspond to the survey results)," the report reads.

“Among the respondents who do not support the actions of the Russian Armed Forces, up to a third (35%) also believe that the majority of the country's population thinks the same way (which does not correspond to the results).”

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The survey was conducted from April 18 to April 24, 2024, among a representative nationwide sample of urban and rural residents, consisting of 1,603 people aged 18 and older in 137 settlements across 50 constituent entities of Russia.

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