Most New Hampshire Democrats would rather see a meteor 'extinguish all human life' than Trump re-elected, poll finds

A good majority of New Hampshire Democrats are feeling existential right about now.

According to a poll from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, 64 percent of Democratic voters would rather see "a giant meteor strike the Earth, extinguishing all human life" than President Trump re-elected. The poll, conducted Jan. 28–31, also shows about half of Independent voters would say the same extreme thing.

How New Hampshire voters feel about the death of humanity does coincide with how well they're materially doing on this planet. While 69 percent of respondents making under $50,000 a year say they'd be cool with blowing up, just 49 percent of those who make more than $100,000 say the same. Younger voters also seem more fed up with this world than older ones.

To be clear, the UMass/YouGov poll comes from a sample of 400 people, and had a margin of error of 6.4 percentage points. And as for more practical information, it found former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) tied with 23 percent support among Democratic candidates, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) close behind at 21 percent.

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