‘Morning Joe’ Mocks Melania Trump Bullying Initiative: She Sleeps With ‘Worst Bully in America’

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The set of “Morning Joe” woke up in a feisty mood Tuesday morning, ripping into First Lady Melania Trump’s campaign to curb bullying.

“If you are going to pick anything, that’s an interesting thing for Melania to pick considering, well, I mean, all the insults,” Scarborough said dryly, alluding to her husband, the President of the United States.

“Maybe she should start with Patient X, or Patient Zero, (who) she sleeps actually with, the worst bully in America,” said Scarborough.

Yesterday, Melania Trump made a surprise trip to Michigan to visit schoolchildren and preach the doctrine of inclusion.

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“I encourage you to find a new friend and eat lunch with the new friends and know a friend,” she told middle schoolers in Bloomfield Hills. “Ask them what they like, what their hobbies are, so nobody becomes sad or stressed, and everybody feels included.”

That all left the set at MSNBC baffled.

“[Trump’s] constantly cyber bullying, that’s fascinating, you have, remember the beauty queen he said was fat, and ‘Liddle’ Bob Corker, ‘Little Marco,'” said Scarborough, who also reminded viewers that some of Trump’s nastiest barbs have been directed to show co-host Mika Brzezinski.

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“At least Melania stepped out and condemned him… oh, wait,” said Scarborough.

“Oh, wait. She attacked me,” said Brzezinski.

The segment concluded with show mainstay Mark Halperin washing his hands of it.

“I think a lot these days about how historians are going to write about the Trump administration,” he said. “This is not a huge thing, in the scheme of things, but it’s going to be hard for historians to explain this.”

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