Morgan Freeman's Beautiful Voice Weighs In on Gay Marriage

Morgan Freeman's Beautiful Voice Weighs In on Gay Marriage

Guess which side of the gay marriage debate Morgan Freeman's beautiful voice is on. You get three chances. We'll give you some time to weigh your options. Did you guess that he supports it? Because, duh. 

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The last time we checked in with Morgan Freeman's heavenly voice was when it narrated an ad for Obama's re-election campaign. Here, it lays out an argument for marriage equality in a concise 30 second television spot for the Human Rights Campaign by comparing it to the civil rights movement and women's suffrage. "Now, across our country, we're standing together for the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry the person they love," Freeman says. "And, with historic victories for marriage, we've delivered a mandate for full equality. The wind is at our back, but our journey has just begun." 

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The 'mandate' Freeman's voice refers to is the many gay marriage victories that came at the polls at that election that happened at the beginning of November. Remember that? Gay marriage was legalized in two states and a ban was voted down in another. "This year proved to be a pivotal turning point in the movement for marriage equality and now we press onward with renewed vigor and public opinion squarely on our side," HRC president Chad Griffin told Buzzfeed

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It's hard to lose with Morgan Freeman's voice on your side. Just ask the President. 

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