With Morgan Freeman out, Seth Rogen offers to be the voice of Vancouver public transit

Seth Rogen is the public transit hero we need.

CNN published an exposé of Morgan Freeman's alleged sexual misconduct and harassment on Thursday, detailing his inappropriate behavior with eight women. Freeman was signed on to be the voice of Vancouver's TransLink system as part of an ad campaign for Visa this summer. But after CNN's story broke, TransLink put a pause on Freeman's voice announcements, according to the Vancouver Sun.

SEE ALSO: Eight women accuse Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior

But who could announce stops and remind passengers of transit etiquette if not the voice of God? Vancouver Sun reporter Stephanie Ip suggested a well known Vancouver native: Seth Rogen. 

"I would happily listen to him announce my transit stops all day, every day," she tweeted, "BUT ONLY IF IT COMES WITH A LAUGH." 

She tagged Rogen, and he actually responded, offering himself "if they need a replacement now."

Could this beautiful Canadian collaboration actually happen? TransLink's Twitter jumped in,"Thanks for the offer Seth. Let's DM and talk."

Rogen replied, "Hit me up."

Who wants to listen to Morgan Freeman anyway? We'll stan our stoner staple.

And to be honest, his goofy laugh would definitely make hearing about train delays easier.


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