More than 20,000 confirmed PTSD cases in Ukraine – Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health told how many Ukrainians have been diagnosed with PTSD. Photo: Getty Images
The Ministry of Health told how many Ukrainians have been diagnosed with PTSD. Photo: Getty Images

As of 2023, more than 20,000 people in Ukraine have been officially diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Information regarding the military staff has not yet been disclosed.

Source: Health Minister Viktor Liashko during the nationwide 24/7 newscast, as reported by the news agency Ukrinform 

Details: Liashko said that in 2023, there were 23,000 confirmed diagnoses of PTSD in the electronic healthcare system.

At the same time, information on the number of servicemen with this disorder will be only made public after the war ends.

The Minister noted that PTSD is curable, but the process is not easy. Therefore, when symptoms appear, the person affected should consult a psychologist or family doctor to avoid complications.

"We are looking for innovative treatments and we are open to clinical trials. We are now starting to study psychedelic therapy in more detail at our Forest Glade centre in the settlement of Pushcha Vodytsia and are ready to create a clinical base to develop it. Therefore, we need to move in this direction," Lyashko said.

He also added that it takes much longer and harder to treat post-traumatic stress disorder than to prevent it.

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