This Monkey Ate the Mail Out of a Florida Mailbox Until Someone Called 911

It feels like every week, someone in Florida does something more Florida than the last Florida thing. This week, it was a brave, terrifying, mail-eating monkey. Florida indeed.

At a smooth 8:00 a.m., someone in the Hidden Lakes subdivision of Sanford called 911 to report that there was a monkey chillin' on top of a mailbox, just eating mail. When officers from the local police department rolled up, our knock-off King Kong was climbing a street sign. The officers then used a water bottle to "lure" the monkey to the patrol car, but then it jumped on top of the cop car and started to pull off the molding before the monkey's owner showed up. Apparently, our monkey/anti-hero's name is "Zeek."

Shout out to the police officers, though, who shared the photos of this extremely chill, yet very agressive monkey on Facebook. Move over, pizza rat. There's a new viral animal in town.

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