Mom turns self-conscious son's cut into epic Harry Potter scar


Even four-year-olds can feel insecure from time to time. Take it from Brittaney Benesh of Vallejo, California.

Benesh's son, Ayden, wound up with a scratch on his forehead after jumping off a giant pile of laundry and hitting his head on a bed frame. The small cut he sustained made him self-conscious enough that he refused to go to school the next day, instead reconciling himself to the fate of a recluse. 

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"He was so embarrassed about his scratch and didn't want to leave the house and be seen..." Brittaney wrote in a comment on Imgur.  

Image: Brittaney Benesh/Imgur

So, what's a mother to do? Obviously, turn her son into The Boy Who Lived. 

Image: Brittaney Benesh/Imgur

Benesh grabbed a red Crayola marker and turned the diagonal cut into Harry Potter's lightening bolt scar, and threw in some round spectacles for good measure. Ayden went from having an undesirable cut on his head to being the beloved Chosen One in a matter of minutes. You're a wizard now, Ayden. 

But not everyone was happy with Benesh's quick thinking. After posting the pictures of her son's costume on the photo sharing site, she was the subject of criticism — largely from people who commented that she was "Internet whoring" her son. 

Benesh shut the haters down, explaining that after she washed and cared for the cut, she pondered ways to boost his confidence. 

"...Dressing him up as harry potter was my first instinct," she wrote to the commenters. "He loves to dress up and already had the round glasses for the days he wants to dress up as Spengler from Ghostbusters. Good lord, wait until you have kids. Those of you who are parents, let them get a little dirty, let them have a little fun." 

10 points to Benesh.