This Mom Completely "Lost It" When She Found Out She Delivered a Baby Boy

Photo credit: Ker-Fox Photography
Photo credit: Ker-Fox Photography

From Redbook

During their first pregnancy, Dara Crouch and her husband instituted a policy to never find out the gender of their babies until delivery. Dara, who is a labor and delivery nurse, told POPSUGARthat surprise gender births have always been her favorite, and so the couple chose to wait until their first baby was born to find out she was a girl.

The second time around, they stuck to their rule. But Dara was convinced they would have another girl. She had good reason for thinking so - there hadn't been a boy born to her side of the family in 50 years. Her husband, however, wasn't so convinced.

"My husband thought from the beginning that it was a boy," Dara said. "I was not so convinced. I had this weird connection to my daughter's clothes, and since their birthdays would only be three weeks apart, I knew I could reuse them."

Photo credit: Ker-Fox Photography
Photo credit: Ker-Fox Photography

Dara said it didn't set in that her new baby could be a boy until a few minutes before he was born, and that idea made her more nervous than anything.

"I started freaking out because I had never been around a little boy and didn't know much about raising one," Dara said. "When my midwife, Melissa, held him up, I was in complete shock! It was a boy, and I lost it! I was so excited, and so in love! I couldn't imagine it being any other way!"

Photo credit: Ker-Fox Photography
Photo credit: Ker-Fox Photography

Dara's photographer, Neely Ker-Fox, has photographed over 100 births with just as many different reactions to becoming a parent, but she says Dara's was one of the most priceless.

"When Dara looked over at me, and I captured this reaction knowing the innocent and very real worries we have when our second child comes into the world (boy or girl), I busted into tears behind the camera," Neely said. "All of that anxiety and worry vanished in blink of an eye. And no matter what we have, the love we have for our kids is instantaneous and overwhelms every cell in our bodies."

So true, and this mom's face absolutely captures that.


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