MMA Movies In 2017 Include 20 Fight Scene Films And One TV Show

MMA movies in 2017 include Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil
MMA movies in 2017 include Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil

2017 is going to be an exciting year for action movies that feature MMA fight scenes, and there are 20 that have potential. Also, there is also an MMA-packed action television show that is getting a reboot.

Movie Web and Internet Movie Database (IMDb) provide useful information about movies that will be released in 2017, but it can be difficult to find information about how much MMA action these movies will bring.

For example, the new Power Rangers movie is coming out on March 24, 2017, and it will likely feature some hand-to-hand combat by MMA stunt crews. However, there are a few action genre movies that might be overlooked without being pointed toward the right MMA keywords.

For instance, the movie Logan will be released on March 3, 2017, and it might get overlooked because the current promo picture for the film depicts someone carrying a small person or child. However, the fact that Hugh Jackman stars in the film is an indicator that this former MMA pro is likely to get in a few exciting hand-to-hand combat exchanges at some point in the movie.

The synopsis online about Logan explains that “story details are under wraps. This will be the third solo outing for the popular mutant. It will be the eighth time Hugh Jackman has portrayed the character in a feature film.”

Other MMA movies that will be released in 2017 can be anticipated as having fight scenes because they are part of a series that sets this precedent. For example, in the earlier part of 2017, potential MMA movies include Resident Evil: Vendetta (March) and this film will be a chapter of the story between Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil 7.

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MMA Movies In 2017 Include 20 Fight Scene Films And One TV Show is an article from: The Inquisitr News