Mitt Romney Blows Off Nickelodeon

Mitt Romney Blows Off Nickelodeon

Mitt Romney is really not winning any fans among children these days, or least among the people behind children's television. The Republican candidate has opted not to participate in Nickelodeon's "Kids Pick The President" special. While Obama will participate in the program set to air October 15, watching videos of children asking questions and recording his responses, the Romney campaign said their candidate "simply didn’t have time," show host Linda Ellerbee told the Associated Press. The kids she said "don’t deserve to be dissed." And Ellerbee in turn dissed Romney, at least backhandedly. “By answering kids’ questions directly, candidates show respect for kids,” she said in a statement via Deadline. “We are disappointed that Mitt Romney wouldn’t take the time to answer the questions, but are thrilled that President Obama participated in the special.” According to the AP only two other candidates haven't participated since 1992: John Kerry and George W. Bush, both in 2004. 

RELATED: Cuomo in the Hamptons, Children's TV, and Forgeries

As has been pointed out, this follows a disturbing trend for Mitt following his pledge to cut funding for PBS, despite loving Big Bird. Strike up the sad Nickelodeon character memes!