Mitch McConnell praises Trump for 'changing the federal courts forever'

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has revealed his new motto, and it's one that chills liberals to the bone.

Appearing alongside President Trump at his "Keep America Great" rally Monday night in Lexington, Kentucky, McConnell was downright giddy talking about all the judges who have been confirmed since January 2017. "Working together, we're changing the federal courts forever," McConnell said. "Nobody's done more to change the court system in the history of our country than Donald Trump. And Mr. President, we're gonna keep on doing it. My motto is, 'Leave no vacancy behind.'"

That's a change from his apparent 2016 motto: "Leave no vacancy behind, unless it's on the Supreme Court, and there's a Democrat in the White House."