Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to lift state's mask mandate Friday

Gov. Tim Walz will end the state's mask mandate on Friday after federal health officials recommended that fully vaccinated people don't need to wear masks in most situations.

Businesses will be free to make their own decisions about whether to ask customers or employees to mask up, but Walz said he will sign an order that will discontinue the mask mandate that has stood since July 25.

Last week, Walz set the state on a path that would have ended the mask mandate by July 1 or when 70% of Minnesotans above age 15 were vaccinated.

On Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that based on evidence showing that the COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection and disease spread, it would now be safe for fully vaccinated people to forgo masks indoors.

The CDC said that regardless of vaccination status, masks should still be worn in crowded indoor settings, including airplanes, buses, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters. People are considered to be fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the last of the two-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

This is a developing story. Check startribune.com for updates.

Glenn Howatt • 612-673-7192