Minnesota Ends State Shutdown

Minnesota Ends State Shutdown

Leaders of the state of Minnesota have finally cut a deal to end a budgetary dispute that's shut the state down for two weeks, reports the Associated Press. Republicans have agreed to the demands of Democratic Governor Mark Dayton, who had to agree to not raise taxes. "The two sides agreed on a proposal that would raise $1.4 billion in new revenue, half by delaying state aid checks to school districts and the other half by selling tobacco payment bonds," reports the AP. Dayton's two biggest demands from Thursday afternoon were met: that a list of Republican policy changes be dropped, and that a demand for a 15 percent reduction of state jobs be taken off the table. "It was about making sure that we get a deal that we can all be disappointed in, but a deal that is done, a budget that was balanced, a state that was back to work," Republican House Speaker Kurt Zellers told reporters after the negotiating ended. 

RELATED: Minnesota Shutdown Forces Miller Lite to Be Pulled From Shelves

That quote might resonate as the federal debt ceiling negotiations march forwards Thursday night. The state will return to work soon after the longest government shutdown in history, but a clear back-to-work date wasn't given. No word yet on when Miller products will return to shelves