Ministry of Justice officials warned that talk about 'protecting women' could be transphobic

LGBT flags - Angela Weiss/AFP
LGBT flags - Angela Weiss/AFP

Staff at the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) have been told they should not use the terms “gender critical” and “protecting women and girls” in order to be trans allies, The Telegraph can disclose.

Thousands of officials were emailed for “transgender awareness week” and told it was “vital that we keep scaremongering and misinformation at bay”, with trans hate crimes up 56 per cent in a year.

The email, marked “official sensitive” and sent this month through the HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) diversity and inclusion team, has been leaked to The Telegraph.

In order to “be an active ally”, staff were given a glossary titled “recognising transphobic coded language”, which contained 35 everyday phrases that it claimed were “turning what would be considered overt discrimination into covert behaviour”.

‘List of coded language’

The list of “coded language” includes the phrase “gender critical”, which is used to refer to campaigners who believe biological sex is binary and immutable.

However, the document claims it is a “self-selected label to denote holding anti-trans views, it’s a term used to make anti-trans discrimination sound palatable or a respectable opinion” and warns staff to look out for social media accounts that hold this view.

Also listed is “protect women’s spaces/protecting women and girls”, which it says “relies on equating trans women with being predatory men, to play on unfounded fears and convince people that supporting trans inclusion threatens their safety”.

The dossier claims that this “dog-whistle” relies on “selective information” including the case of Karen White, a rapist jailed for life in 2018 after attacking women in female prisons, as well as five sexual assaults by trans prisoners in female prisons over a decade.

Challenging words and phrases

Civil servants are warned in an introduction to the glossary: “It is important to recognise these words and phrases, understand their context and educate those you hear using them about the reasons why their use can be deemed offensive or upsetting, as people may have unknowingly used a term without being familiar with its meaning.

“Whilst passing uses of these phrases might not be considered misconduct, the importance of challenging their use cannot be overstated.

“Doing so reduces hostility, intimidation and degradation within the workplace, and encourages all whom we work with such as colleagues and service users, to treat others with decency and respect.”

The glossary was shared from the official email address of the “HMPPS pride in prisons and probation LGBTI+ staff support network”, which has 5,764 members, under the watch of a diversity lead who is paid £37,166.

‘Very aggressive and antagonistic’

Some staff inside the Government have expressed disquiet. An MoJ staff member told The Telegraph: “When I first read the attachment in the email, I could not quite believe it – the worst thing was that I was unable to raise it safely at work for fear of being labelled a transphobe.

“It came across as very aggressive and antagonistic towards anyone who believes in biological reality. I feel upset and powerless.”

A second MoJ source told The Telegraph: “Nonsense like this undermines decent progress on creating a genuinely fair and respectful environment in prisons.”

The list of words also flags “adult human female”, a phrase that it claims “manipulates people into supporting bigotry while creating hostility towards trans people and their allies”.

The document goes on to say “same-sex attracted” is a “coded term refusing to recognise trans women as women and trans men as men” and aims “to cause division among the LGBT+ community, by claiming attraction is solely based on genitalia”.

Sex ‘isn’t rigidly binary’

It also takes objection to the campaigners stating “sex is real/immutable” because sex “isn’t rigidly binary as there are many variations”, including intersex.

The list even says the word “transwoman”, which it claims is an attempt to “other trans people” by removing the space between adjective and noun in the term “trans woman”, thus “placing them in a separate category as a whole separate noun”.

The leaked document has come under attack from women’s rights campaigners.

Maya Forstater, executive director of the sex-based rights group Sex Matters, told The Telegraph: “It is chilling that an official MoJ staff group email is telling civil servants to view ordinary language as transphobic. This is likely to lead to harassment and bullying of anyone who challenges gender-ideology-based policies in prisons and the justice system.

“It is telling staff that any critical thinking in regards to this ideology is offensive. This both creates a hostile environment for staff who don’t buy into gender ideology, and makes it impossible for them to speak clearly and honestly about prisoners, when undertaking risk assessments, and to protect prisoners.”

‘Not a corporate view’

A Prison Service spokesman said: “This guidebook was published by a staff network, its content was not approved prior to being communicated and it is a network rather than a corporate HMPPS view.

“Following its publication, HMPPS is reviewing the rules around internal communications to staff from network groups.”

The prison population that identifies as transgender stood at 197 in England and Wales last year, a 21 per cent jump from 163 in 2019. These did not hold a gender recognition certificate, meaning their lived gender was not legally recognised, and the vast majority were men identifying as women.

This has sparked calls for women’s prisons to be open only to those born female to ensure safety, although the MoJ says trans prisoners are managed with a robust risk assessment.