This mineral shouldn't exist on Earth's surface, but researchers found it inside a diamond

Researchers discovered a mineral that shouldn't exist on Earth's surface but was found inside a diamond.

The mineral, davemaoite, was found inside a diamond from an African mine. It was last dug up decades ago in Botswana at the Orapa mine, the world’s largest opencast diamond mine.

Oliver Tschauner, a geochemist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and his colleagues studied davemaoite and other minerals trapped in deep-Earth diamonds, according to the findings published in Science. Tschauner named the mineral after Ho-kwang ‘Dave’ Mao, a scientist who made many pioneering discoveries in high-pressure geochemistry and geophysics.

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A diamond holds a small piece of the newly unearthed mineral davemaoite.
A diamond holds a small piece of the newly unearthed mineral davemaoite.

Davemaoite is mostly calcium silicate, but it can have radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium, which generate a lot of heat in the lower portion of Earth’s mantle, according to the journal. Davemaoite is part of the group of minerals that helps manage how heat moves and cycles through the deep Earth.

Usually, davemaoite can exist only in high pressures found in the lower mantle, but the mineral survived inside specks found in the diamond.

“It’s the strength of the diamond that keeps the inclusions at high pressure,” Tschauner told Live Science.

The International Mineralogical Association approved davemaoite’s name last year and hailed it as the second high-pressure mineral named after Mao.

Davemaoite is one of three main minerals in Earth’s lower mantle and makes up 5% to 7% of the material in the mantle, Tschauner told Live Science.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Rare mineral found in world's largest diamond mine, Orapa