Military observer analyzes attack on Russian nuclear radar

Voronezh M radar station
Voronezh M radar station

In a recent interview with Radio NV, military observer Denis Popovich discussed the implications of a Ukrainian drone striking the Voronezh M radar station in Russia's Orenburg Oblast from a record distance of 1,800 kilometers.

Radio NV: Can you explain the significance of reaching 1,800 kilometers in military terms?

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Denis Popovich: This is a strategic milestone. It shows we can target deep within the Russian Federation, nearly as far as the southern Urals, which is substantially distant from the frontline. The significance extends beyond the sheer distance; it's about the target itself—an early-warning radar station designed during the Soviet era to detect missile launches, crucial for national security.

Radio NV: How does this impact Russian defense capabilities?

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Popovich: By striking such facilities, we effectively blind Russia’s ability to monitor missile launches towards its territory. These stations don't offer a complete view but cover specific sectors. With this strike, and a similar one in Krasnodar Krai, we’re significantly hindering Russia’s long-range missile detection capabilities, which is integral to their nuclear defense strategy. Politically, this demonstrates that the perceived red lines and the fear of nuclear escalation, which many of our Western partners worry about, are not as constraining as once thought.

Radio NV: The previous record was 140 kilometers shorter. How does this additional range change the strategic landscape?

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Popovich: It’s substantial. With missiles like ATACMS, which have ranges of 160 to 300 kilometers, an additional 140 kilometers can put critical infrastructure within striking distance that wasn't threatened before. This includes over-the-horizon radar stations and potentially significant military-industrial sites.

Radio NV: What can be within this new range?

Popovich: It's a vast area, larger than any European country. The Russian Federation has strategically placed much of its military-industrial complex beyond the Urals, historically considered a safe zone. Now, our drones reaching these distances challenge that safety assumption. You'd find tank and military factories there—it's a significant escalation in our operational reach.

Radio NV: Are there specific targets that are now at risk?

Popovich: It’s better to consult a map to see what lies within this new radius. I'd rather not speculate without further data, but the increased range opens up several strategic possibilities for targeting.

Read also: How Ukrainian naval drones force Russian fleet to abandon Crimea

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