Michelle Williams urges women to vote in their 'own self interest' in 2020

Michelle Williams used her Golden Globes acceptance speech to encourage women to hit the polls this November.

Williams won the award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or Television Movie for Fosse/Verdon. "When you put this in someone's hands, you're acknowledging the choices that they make as an actor, moment by moment, scene by scene, day by day," she said. "But you're also acknowledging the choices they make as a person — the education they pursue, the training they sought, the hours they put in." Williams said she was "grateful" for the recognition, and also pleased to "live in a moment in our society where choice exists, because as women and as girls things can happen to our bodies that are not our choice."

Williams said she tried "my very best to live a life of my own making," and she would "not have been able to do this without employing a woman's right to choose. To choose when to have my children and with whom, when I felt supported and able to balance our lives knowing as all mothers know, the scales must and will tip toward our children." While her "choices might look different than yours," she thanks "God or whomever you pray to that we live in a country founded on the principle that I am free to live by my faith and you are free to live buy yours."

Williams then implored women "18 to 118" to "vote...in your own self interest. It's what men have been doing for years, which is why the world looks so much like them. Don't forget, we are the largest voting body in this country. Let's make it look more like us."

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