Michelle Malkin Laughs at Liberal Tweets All the Way to the Bank

Michelle Malkin Laughs at Liberal Tweets All the Way to the Bank

Congratulations to conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, who sold her look-what-liberals-said-on-Twitter site Twitchy.com to the same company that she sold HotAir.com to in 2010. It's only fitting that we celebrate the sale by collecting angry and mocking tweets from liberals, in true Twitchy fashion.

BuzzFeed reported the sale to Christian radio company Salem Communications on Tuesday afternoon, which is for an undisclosed amount. "Media Matters types would like to paint conservatives as boring, old white guys," the general manager of TownHall.com, also owned by Salem, told BuzzFeed. "Twitchy adds more fun and humor to our platform, which will appeal to totally different generation and break that stereotype."

For example, the site's post about the Obama-Castro handshake. A tweet from "hale_razor" puts the handshake in "shattering perspective," by noting that Obama didn't attend Margaret Thatcher's funeral. "That almost says it all, doesn’t it?," Twitchy asks. Apparently only almost, as it then posted a tweet from "iowahawkblog" saying, "Obama has now met Raul Castro in person more times than he has Sebelius." "It would be funny, if it wasn’t true," Twitchy adds. Since it isn't true — Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius actually meet regularly — we can't tell if the tweet is funny or not.

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Anyway, here's what left-leaning people had to say. Let's laugh at, not with them.

And then Twitchy invariably offers a conservative counterpoint. Filling that role here, Sen. Ted Cruz's communications director.

This isn't a great example of the form; normally, it would be a "devastating" rejoinder.

Malkin published a post about the acquisition, listing the site's accomplishments which include, at the top, having "documented tweets and retweets by dozens of left-wing Hollywood cranks, including Cher, Alec Baldwin, Jim Carrey, Russell Crowe, Chris Rock, Jason Biggs, Samuel Jackson, Ellen Barkin, Eva Longoria, and Eliza Dushku."

In a separate post earlier in the day, the site teased that "big news" was coming. The top-voted guess was that Malkin was pregnant.

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/politics/2013/12/michelle-malkin-laughs-liberal-tweets-all-way-bank/355984/

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