Michele Bachmann's Eyes Look Just as Crazy as Everyone Else's in Google Glass

After gamely donning Google's face computer on Capitol Hill this morning, Michele Bachmann has now joined the fledgling celebrity ranks of Brandy and Sarah Jessica Parker as early show-off adopters of Google Glass — you know, just like all those awkward looking geeky white guys. And, yes, Bachmann has already suffered the same aesthetic fate as those so-called "Glassholes" before her: Even a politician who's somewhat famous for her stare can't make the glasses of the future look any less weird. Here's the Minnesota representative in full Glass glory, courtesy of NBC's Luke Russert: 

Rep. Bachmann tries out Google Glass at House #GOP mtg twitter.com/LukeRussert/st…

— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) May 15, 2013

Yes, some unfortunate jokes about Bachmann's "crazy" eyes are already out there, harkening back to that Newsweek cover from 2011. But there aren't any reports (yet) on what, exactly, Bachmann did with Google Glass during and after her House meeting today, or if Glass could understand her Midwestern accent (a demo posted on YouTube last week showed that the device has some trouble with voice commands and proper nouns).

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Here's another look:

Bachmann's Google glass moment twitter.com/pkcapitol/stat…

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) May 15, 2013

That second shot is an almost McKayla Maroney-esque face. Bachmann seems to be admitting it: Yes, I know this looks ridiculous on me, but so what? And, really, it's not her fault. Many would argue that there are plenty of times when Bachmann looks ridiculous without the aid of augmented reality eyewear, but these things look ridiculous on anyone. And this is just the most high-profile evidence yet that no matter how much power or money you may have, Google Glass was designed to be an equal-opportunity nerdface creator.