Michele Bachmann Suffers from 'Terrible' Migraines

In an unusual bid to stunt Michele Bachmann's 2012 presidential campaign, her former colleagues tell The Daily Caller that Bachmann's "terrible migraine headaches" make her unfit for the presidency. "They come out of nowhere, and they’re unpredictable,” a former adviser to Bachmann during her 2010 congressional campaign tells the conservative website. “They level her. They put her down. It’s actually sad. It’s very painful.” The former colleagues say they're speaking to the press because they fear that Bachmann's migraines could make her unable to serve the country as president and the amount of pills she needs to take to combat the migraines is troubling. "They also worry that the issue could blow up in the general election campaign, giving President Obama an easy path to re-election," reports Jonathan Strong. On average, the episodes occur once a week, say the colleagues, and she went to the hospital at least three times in 2010 as a result. Bachmann's spokeswoman denied the remarks saying "the information you have is incorrect" without going into specifics. "She suffers from migraines and they're under control with medicine." It's not clear if the former staffers have an axe to grind and want to use the headaches to undermine her or if Bachmann's condition really is that serious.