Mexico Arrests Five in Horrific Casino Arson

Mexico Arrests Five in Horrific Casino Arson

After last week's absolutely terrifying attack on a Monterrey casino, the Mexican government has arrested five people it says were responsible for holding customers and staff at bay with guns, pouring gasoline on the floor, and torching the Casino Royale, killing 52 people. But police are looking for two more suspects, and President Felipe Calderon has offered a $2.4 million reward for information leading to their capture. As CBS News reports, that's the same amount offered for the arrest of the nation's top drug lords. Authorities still don't know what group is behind the attack, but they suspect the motivation was retaliation for unpaid extortion money. In a country where drug-related violence has become depressingly routine, the casino attack struck a chord with citizens, who held protests calling for the mayor of Monterrey and the governor of the state of Nuevo Leon to quit.