Meryl Streep Just Wants Some Sex

Meryl Streep Just Wants Some Sex

The Call Sheet sifts through the day's glut of Hollywood news to find the stories even non-industry types care about. Today: Meryl Streep is in a sexy new movie, Chloë Sevigny gets scary, and The Avengers is already a hit.

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Here is a trailer for the upcoming comedy Hope Springs about an older married couple, played by Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones, who are trying to get the spark — wink wink, nudge nudge — back in their marriage. (No, unfortunately, it is not a remake of this.) So they go up to some sort of crazy sex camp or something and just figure the f-cking the f-ck out. Or, actually, they go to a therapist played by Steve Carell and hilarious awkward situations ensue, including three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep sitting on the toilet reading Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man and contemplating putting a banana... somewhere. Nothing wrong with that, of course, it's just a little surprising. Which is of of course the point. The most surprising thing in this trailer, though, is that Elisabeth Shue, yes the Elisabeth Shue, appears in the movie and gets to do at least one scene with Meryl Streep. So, all is not lost in that particular true Hollywood story. Anyway, this looks pretty good? It's directed by The Devil Wears Prada's David Frankel and seems to be easy and glossy like many a summertime comedy. (Streep's latest box office specialty.) Can't wait to see Tommy and Meryl's big O. Well, hm, that sounds a little... prurient or something, doesn't it. How about... Looking forward to this comedy movie. That's better.

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Marvel's big superhero party The Avengers — everyone's invited! No, not you, Green Lantern, never you — doesn't open in the States until next Friday, but it's debuted in several markets overseas and it is already kickin' butt and taking names. It's only been out for a day and it's already taken in $17 million, which is pretty freakin' good for overseas. So, we all knew this movie would be a big fat hit, but could it be a really big fat hit? Seems likely. It's a bunch of hit movies all squished into one enormous ball of a mega-movie. Who doesn't want a mega-movie? Everyone wants that. If this movie does extraordinarily well, look for some sort of Superman/Batman mashup from DC Comics. No, not with you, Green Lantern. What did we just say? [Deadline]

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Be still all downtown gay hearts: Chloë Sevigny, former queen of the Beatrice, is in talks to be a cast member on the second season of American Horror Story. So, that's big enough news itself, but here's the real kicker: She'll be playing a character named Shelly the Nymphomaniac. Yes. Terrific. Signed. Done. We're on board. Toot toot, next stop FX to watch that. Well done, everyone. You've got us. [Entertainment Weekly]

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Oh, well, hm, then some sad news. ABC Family has canceled its teen gymnastics series Make It Or Break It after three seasons. The May 14th episode will be its last. So wait, will we not find out if they go to the Olympics?? Wasn't that the whole damn point, that the Olympics are this summer and that's what they're trying to get to??? Oh dear god no! This is a disaster. (Did they already get there on the show? I have no idea.) This is almost as bad as that time when a show that nobody watched got canceled and everyone was like "What show? Who?" and then went about their days. (In all seriousness, RIP you weird, earnest show. In my dreams, you all got the London gold.) [Entertainment Weekly]

Apparently the upcoming Total Recall remake, the one with Colin Farrell directed by the guy who does Underworld, went over very, very well when footage of it was shown at CinemaCon, the convention of the National Association of Theater Owners (yes, NATO — the Norwegians loved it!). They were all comparing it to Blade Runner and just totally gushing like children about it. So... that could mean good things? We may tease Wiseman about Underworld, but he also directed Live Free or Die Hard, a perfectly competent installment in the Bruce Willis franchise. (It's on FX basically every day. Which is about as often as we watch it.) Maybe this is his big artistic breakthrough. The trailers we've seen so far don't look that promising, lots of Matrix-style slo-mo and stuff, but who knows. If the theater owners liked it then, well... Well, then it actually could still potentially be awful, couldn't it? [The Hollywood Reporter]

Here are the first two stills from Quentin Tarantino's slave revenge movie Django Unchained. One is of Leonardo DiCaprio as a hammer-wielding plantation owner named Calvin Candie (he's the bad guy), the other is of Christoph Waltz (who owes Tarantino his mainstream stardom) and Jamie Foxx as the guys out to get him. Nothing terribly revealing here, but still it's very exciting! But, alas, we must wait a while for the whole thing. Fitting for the season, this brutal revenge picture comes out on Christmas Day.