Merriam-Webster subtweeted about Trump's child separation policy

Merriam-Webster's Twitter account is famed for not being here for your BS — or that of the Department of Homeland Security.

On Sunday, DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen declared her agency doesn't "have a policy of separating families at the border," despite extensive reports contradicting the claim. 

SEE ALSO: Homeland Security secretary gets shredded on Twitter after she lies about policy that separates families at border

When asked by CNN's Jeff Zeleny on Monday whether the separation policy was tantamount to child abuse, Nielsen claimed that most children were sent to the border alone, and there were "high standards" for the detention centres these children were housed in. 

"We give them meals, and we give them education, and we give them medical care. There are videos, there are TVs," she told reporters.

Meanwhile, the dictionary just happened to chime in on Twitter around the same time, explaining the origins of the word "gaslight." 

For those who don't know, the definition of gaslight is "to attempt to make (someone) believe that he or she is going insane," according to Merriam-Webster.

As subtle as it was, people understood the dictionary's subtweet.

In the past, the dictionary hasn't been subtle about correcting Trump's spelling mistakes, calling out Apple fans, and even taking on Neil deGrasse Tyson's concern over the use of the word "awesome."

Merriam-Webster is listening.

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