Merkel's Bavarian ally: We want tighter migrant border controls next week

BERLIN (Reuters) - Bavaria's Christian Social Union (CSU), who have destabilized Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition due to a major row over migrant policy, wants to introduce tighter national border controls for migrants from next week, a senior party member said. "From the next week we want migrants to be rejected at the border if they have already registered in another European country and should therefore go through the asylum procedure there," CSU parliamentary floor leader Alexander Dobrindt told German television on Wednesday. He added the CSU was waiting to see if Merkel, who opposes tighter national controls and wants a European solution, comes back from an EU summit at the end of this week with agreement on migrant policy. He said the timetable was clear, adding: "We must act now." (Reporting by Madeline Chambers and Michelle Martin)