Men who get fit in middle age can halve their risk of strokes

A mid-life crisis can halve the risk of a stroke  - 2017 Pierre Crom
A mid-life crisis can halve the risk of a stroke - 2017 Pierre Crom

Middle-aged men who throw themselves into fitness can halve their risk of strokes, research suggests. Scientists said those with sedentary lifestyles had been able to transform their heart health in just seven years - protecting them three decades later. 

Norwegian scientists tested the fitness of 1,400 men who were in their 40s and 50s at the start of the trial.

Most became less active as middle age set in, but one in three upped their efforts. 

When they compared the group who boosted their fitness the levels the most with those who saw the greatest decline, they found startling differences.

Some of the best results were achieved among those who started out as couch potatoes. 

The group with the biggest increase were 56 per cent less likely than the group which slowed down the most to suffer a stroke in later life.

Overall, one in eight had a stroke in the following 28 years, the study by the University of Oslo found. 

Last week health officials warned of an “inactivity epidemic” with four in 10 adults failing to do even one 10 minute brisk walk a month.

They are particularly concerned about adults aged between 40 and 60, where poor lifestyles can have the greatest impact.

It means more than six million are putting themselves at increased risk of illness.

But today researchers say it is "never too late" to make radical changes.

Dr Erik Prestgaard, from the University of Oslo Hospital, said: “The men who increased [their fitness levels] the most were not fit at all, they went from low levels and moved up.”

Speaking at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona, he said: “It’s a really big risk reduction.”

couch potato  - Credit: Alamy
Couch potato lifestyles are pushing Britain to an early grave Credit: Alamy

Their efforts to take themselves in hand involved regular exercise, such as walking or cycling, rather than epic feats.

“These men were just getting themselves together. They weren’t marathon runners, or anything like that.

“So we can safely say that as a normal person you are able to improve your fitness by putting in the effort and that will protect you.”

The group whose midlife fitness increased the most on average saw a 22 per cent improvement in exercise tests.

Their chances of having a stroke were almost the same as those of men who had been fit all their lives.

Dr Prestgaad said: "If you become fit or remain fit, there's no difference. That's a good message - if you're 50 and not fit over the next years you can become fit and lower your risk. It' s never too late to get fit.”

”But you can't let yourself go because you lose the protection that you had. If you're in good shape when you're 50 you can't just stop working out and float on what you have. You have to keep it up,” he said.

Many people assumed that lifestyle changes were only likely in the young, but the study found that almost of half of the men had changed their habits over the seven years - becoming more or less active.

Their efforts to take themselves in hand involved regular exercise, such as walking or cycling, rather than epic feats.

“These men were just getting themselves together. They weren’t marathon runners, or anything like that.

“So we can safely say that as a normal person you are able to improve your fitness by putting in the effort and that will protect you.”

The group whose midlife fitness increased the most on average saw a 22 per cent improvement in exercise tests.

Their chances of having a stroke were almost the same as those of men who had been fit all their lives.

Dr Prestgaad said: "If you become fit or remain fit, there's no difference. That's a good message - if you're 50 and not fit over the next years you can become fit and lower your risk. It' s never too late to get fit.”

”But you can't let yourself go because you lose the protection that you had. If you're in good shape when you're 50 you can't just stop working out and float on what you have. You have to keep it up,” he said.

Many people assumed that lifestyle changes were only likely in the young, but the study found that almost of half of the men had changed their habits over the seven years - becoming more or less active.

More than 100,000 Brits have a stroke each year and it is one of the leading causes of adult disability.

There are over 1.2 million people living with the effects of the condition – which costs the NHS around £3 billion a year.

Nine in 10 strokes are preventable, scientists believe, with the majority linked to lifestyle factors such as diet, obesity and fitness. 

walking - Credit: PA
More than 6 million middle aged adults do not manage a brisk 10 minute walk a month Credit: PA

Their efforts to take themselves in hand involved regular exercise, such as walking or cycling, rather than epic feats.

“These men were just getting themselves together. They weren’t marathon runners, or anything like that.

“So we can safely say that as a normal person you are able to improve your fitness by putting in the effort and that will protect you.”

The group whose midlife fitness increased the most on average saw a 22 per cent improvement in exercise tests.

Their chances of having a stroke were almost the same as those of men who had been fit all their lives.

Dr Prestgaad said: "If you become fit or remain fit, there's no difference. That's a good message - if you're 50 and not fit over the next years you can become fit and lower your risk. It' s never too late to get fit.”

”But you can't let yourself go because you lose the protection that you had. If you're in good shape when you're 50 you can't just stop working out and float on what you have. You have to keep it up,” he said.

Many people assumed that lifestyle changes were only likely in the young, but the study found that almost of half of the men had changed their habits over the seven years - becoming more or less active.

More than 100,000 Britons have a stroke each year and it is one of the leading causes of adult disability.

There are over 1.2 million people living with the effects of the condition – which costs the NHS around £3 billion a year.

Nine in 10 strokes are preventable, scientists believe, with the majority linked to lifestyle factors such as diet, obesity and fitness. 

Mapped England’s obesity hotspots

Richard Francis of the Stroke Association said: “Regular exercise is known to have many positive effects, such as help to maintain a healthy weight, improving mood, as well as increasing fitness.”

The study “appears to suggest that changes in fitness among middle-aged healthy men may predict a stroke in later life,” he added.

Last week Public Health England said just one 10 minute brisk walk a day can reduce the chance of premature death by 15 per cent.