Melania Trump runs White House from 'behind the scenes', new book claims

US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump  - French Select
US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump - French Select

Melania Trump, America's first lady, is a "very powerful behind the scenes force" within the White House and should be credited for getting Donald Trump to run for president, according to a new book on the administration.

Ronald Kessler, the author of The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game, wrote that she has a "tremendous impact on policy and strategy" and that he believed their marriage, rocked by allegations of Mr Trump's infidelity, would stand the test of time.

"She got him to run, he was pussy-footing around about running and she said you have to declare your candidacy and that's what happened and he went up in the polls," Mr Kessler told CNN on Sunday.

"Beyond that she will disagree with him, she will sit in, in meetings with cabinet officers and she will disagree with Trump, her judgment is spectacular."

President-elect Donald J. Trump (L) and his wife, Melania - Credit: JUSTIN LANE
President-elect Donald J. Trump (L) and his wife, Melania Credit: JUSTIN LANE

The former Washington Post reporter quoted from an interview he carried out with Sean Spicer, the former White House press secretary, who told him: "She is a very powerful behind-the-scenes force. 

"I don't think people fully recognise how influential she is and what a grounded political sense she has on her own. She always seems to have the pulse on the right move and the right person at the right time. 

Mr Spicer added: "When she weighs in, it's always spot on."

The book, which is based on hours of interviews with high level West Wing staff and the president himself, also reveals that Mr Trump was regularly approached by eligible billionaires desperate to go on a date with Hope Hicks, his former communications director.

Mr Kessler wrote: "Donald Trump has told friends that billionaires are constantly asking him to fix them up with Hicks, who is consumed by her work and until recently, was never seen with a date. Trump says he refuses."

Miss Hope left the administration last week, having worked for Mr Trump since the beginning of his campaign. 

"Everyone loves her, Mr Kessler told CNN. "She's very enthusiastic about Trump."

Meanwhile, he details the president's concerns with the roles of his daughter Ivanka and son in law Jared Kushner, who he described as 'Teflon aides' because he believed Mr Trump would never fire them.

He wrote that the couple have been behind some of the worst decisions made by the administration and that they had "no understanding" of the basic fundamentals of politics.

Donald Trump's inner circle

The book claims the pair pushed for the firing of James Comey, brought in special counsel Robert Mueller and orchestrated the hiring of Anthony Scaramucci, who lasted less than two weeks as communications director. 

According to the author, after once watching Mr Kushner on TV, Mr Trump said: " Look at Jared, he looks like a little boy, like a child."