Megyn Kelly Presses Alex Jones Over Sandy Hook Claims

Host Megyn Kelly prepares for her Fox News Channel show 'The Kelly File' in New York September 23, 2015.

On her Sunday night show, NBC News host Megyn Kelly defended the purpose of her interview with radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, telling her viewers ‘he isn’t going away,’ Fox News reported. She repeatedly pressed Jones to admit he shouldn’t have said the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting was a hoax.

It was Jones’ “outrageous statement that the slaughter of innocent children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School, one of the darkest chapters in American history, was a hoax” that sparked the uproar against Kelly’s interview, the Hill reported.

20 children were killed when Adam Lanza opened fire at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut on Dec. 14, 2012.

Read: What Did Alex Jones Say About Sandy Hook? [WATCH]

“For years, Jones has been spreading conspiracy theories, claiming, for instance, that elements of the U.S. government allowed the September 11 attacks to happen and that the horrific Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax,” Kelly said at the start of her interview.

“Some thought we shouldn’t broadcast this interview because his baseless allegations aren’t just offensive, they’re dangerous. But here’s the thing: Alex Jones isn’t going away. Over the years, his YouTube channel has racked up 1.3 billion views. He has millions of listeners and the ear of our current president. We begin our report with his reaction to the recent terrorist attack in Manchester, England,” she added.

During her interview, Kelly asked Jones about his Sandy Hook claims stating, “You’re trying to have it all ways, right? If you wrongly went out there and said it was a hoax, that’s wrong,” the report added.

"What I already answered your question was, listeners and other people, were covering this, I didn’t create that story," Jones responded.

"Alex, the parents, one after the other, devastated, the dead bodies that the coroner autopsied," continued Kelly when Jones interrupted her saying, "They’ve locked all that, won’t release any of it."

“All the parents decided to come out and about their dead children? What happened to the children? When you say parents faked their children’s death, people get very angry,” Kelly said.

“Oh, I know. But they don't get angry about the half million dead Iraqis from the sanctions. Or they don't get angry about all the illegal pouring in,” he replied.

During the interview, Jones also said he had watched the footage of the incident. "Some of it looks like it's real but then what do you do when they've got the kids going in circles in and out of the building with their hands up. I've watched the footage. That looks like a drill," he said defending his statement.

Meanwhile, the families of those killed during the mass shooting denounced Kelly’s interview with Jones. “Any time you give someone like Alex Jones a platform, their followers will double-down or increase their attack on grieving families. You can’t just put him in a box and say he’s just a character. He’s really hurting people,” said Nelba Marquez-Green, whose six-year-old daughter Ana Grace was killed in the massacre.

Read: Sandy Hook Families Respond To Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones Interview

“Alex and his followers have done nothing but make our lives a living hell for the last four-and-a-half years. This incessant need for ratings at the cost of the emotional well-being of our family is disgusting and disappointing. You should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing this behavior,” family members of Vicki Soto, a teacher who was killed at Sandy Hook, posted a letter on Facebook regarding the interview.

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