Meet Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, who is running again for Iowa House District 49 in Ames

Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeschell is running as an incumbent for another term to represent Iowa House District 49 in Ames and rural Story County.

The Democrat is running unopposed in the party's primary and does not face a Republican challenger on the ballot in the general election.

To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent questions to all federal and Des Moines area legislative candidates running for political office this year. Their answers have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

The primary election is scheduled for June 4 ahead of the Nov. 5 general election.

More: Early voting has started for Iowa's June 4 primary election. Here's what you should know:

Who is Beth Wessel-Kroeschell (incumbent)?

Beth Wessel-Kroeschell
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell

Age: 64

Party: Democrat

Current town of residence: Ames

Education: Bachelor of Arts in English education, UNI and Master of Public Administration, Iowa State University

Occupation: Retired

Political experience and civic activities: Served in the Iowa Legislature since 2005. Currently serve on the All Aboard for Kids Board of Directors.

What would be your top issue should you be elected?

Wessel-Kroeschell: My top priorities are to pass a constitutional amendment to protect Iowan's rights to reproductive freedom and to fully fund our public education system.

What policies would you support to improve Iowa’s education system?

Wessel-Kroeschell: Public money belongs in public schools. That is where I would start. Giving wealthy Iowans vouchers to attend private schools undermines Iowa's public education. Teachers need flexibility to choose materials that are age appropriate. I trust that teachers have the best interest of our children and need more flexibility in the classroom. We should be grading our schools on the success of students after they leave school. For example, their success in higher education, employment, home ownership, long-term relationships and staying out of prison. We rely too heavily on day-to-day standardized exams and not of the real goal, which is educating our youth to be successful citizens.

What do you think Iowa’s tax policy should be? Do you believe the state’s priority should be on lowering rates or spending on services for Iowans?

Wessel-Kroeschell: We need to balance a progressive tax policy where everyone does their fair share and provides the appropriate level of services that Iowans depend upon. While we create a more equitable tax system we must protect public safety, education, health care, Iowa's natural resources, and our justice system.

What policies would you support to improve school safety in Iowa?

Wessel-Kroeschell: More adults need to be present in schools to have eyes on prospective problems. Many Iowa schools have lost their support staff such as education assistants, nurses, homeless advocates, special needs educators and more. Funding public schools is crucial in keeping kids safe. Iowa students must feel engaged. They must feel that they belong. Ninety-one percent of school shooters are current or former students. We should be asking ourselves, "What went wrong?"

What next steps do you believe the Iowa Legislature should take when it comes to abortion?

Wessel-Kroeschell: Iowa House Democrats have proposed a constitutional amendment to guarantee all Iowans have access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care including birth control, invitro fertilization, prenatal care, and abortion. The Legislature needs to pass this twice and then the general electorate would have an opportunity to vote on it. This is crucial for the health of women in Iowa.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Meet the candidate running for Iowa House District 49 in Ames