Meet Kelli Phillips, candidate for Nashville School Board, District 4

The Tennessean Editorial Board asked candidates first surveyed Nashville School Board candidates for the Davidson County primary on May 3. The winners of the partisan contests and the independents are now competing in the Aug. 4 county general election. Early voting started on July 15.

More: Learn about candidates running in the Aug. 4 Tennessee primary election | Editorial

Biographical Information

  • Name: Kelli Phillips

  • Age: 44

  • City or town: Nashville

  • Education: Harpeth Hall Class of 96. UTR Knoxville 96-99, MTSU 99-2001

  • Job history: Daycare owner and construction management. Now a full-time mom.

  • Family: Two sons (3 and 20) and one daughter (sweet 16).

Kelli Phillips, candidate for Nashville School Board, District 4
Kelli Phillips, candidate for Nashville School Board, District 4

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10 questions for the candidate

Which office are you running for?

Nashville School Board, District 4

Why are you running for this office?

The vast majority of our school board are out of touch with the views and needs of parents, so I'm running to put parents back in control of our schools. I'm for scrapping mask mandates, focusing on better grades and banning extreme politics in our classrooms such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and discussions on topics that should be addressed at home.

Parents have been rallying against unscientific mask mandates in class that have become a huge barrier to learning - especially for children with learning needs like my son, who has a speech disorder. To see our kids unable to compete in their sports when neighboring counties were back in the field was heartbreaking.

As a proud "momma-bear" of three kids that are use our public schools, I will speak-up for the many parents who want our schools to get back to basics and focus on getting grades up for math, writing, reading and science - rather than wasting time on political issues like Critical Race Theory.

The tip of the iceberg is that across 36 of our schools, less than 10% of students are testing at grade level in Math. Of those 36, 19 schools have less than five percent of students testing at grade level. This paper reported to readers that last summer that Metro Schools saw a 6.3 percentage point drop from 25.9% in 2019 to 19.6% of students resting on track in reading. Despite the hard work of students and teachers, this cannot go on and we need change at the top with leaders prepared to focus on core subjects and vocational skills that lead well-paid and sorely needed trade jobs.

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What makes you qualified to hold this office and better qualified than your opponent(s)?

I believe that I am better qualified to hold this office than my opponent because I am in touch with what parents want. Nothing is more important than that in an elected role. A board of many self-proclaimed "experts" has gotten us into the hole we are now.

Parent power is what's needed. In business, they'd call that getting someone that knows "the voice of the customer". My opponents have lost touch with the people that matter most in this election - parents - the ultimate guardian of their child/ren and their needs.

Parents know what is best for their children and should have the ability to decide what their children are exposed to in the classroom and what is taught to them. My opponents side with a party that disagrees with this and will only listen to big money and political interests such as teacher unions. Their record of waste and arrogance speaks for itself.

My opponent cannot talk credibly about the need for adequate school funding and better paid teachers and staff. They have lost the trust of community stakeholders and authorities that fund us. That's because they have squandered resources during the pandemic and have refused to investigate troubling incidents this paper has highlighted - such as $14 million on "COVID Consultants" - one of whom posted a photo thanking the school board for a "good year" with his hands at the wheel of a Ferrari.

Actions speak louder than words, and from ignoring the cries of parents to squandering our taxpayer money, my opponents clearly only care about their egos and remaining in power. If elected, I will represent parents above all else.

If you are elected (or re-elected), what are your top 2 to 3 priorities for your new (or next) term in office?

If I am elected my top priorities are:

  1. Move the curriculum away from CRT and political correctness and focus it on core subjects - Math, English, Science and Technology.

  2. Remove unscientific mask mandates and support moving back to in-class learning should there be future outbreaks.

  3. Develop and nurture new and better ways to keep connected with the voice of parents so we never have such an out-of-touch school board again.

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What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to accomplish, if elected?

Voters are telling me they want schools to focus on the basics - core subjects such as Math, English and Science - and to get the politics out of the classroom so their children can thrive. They want a school board that has empowered teachers that can teach free of political interference and ideology. Mask mandates must become things of the past - and we must hold people accountable for the waste of millions of dollars during the pandemic.

Legislatures, including Tennessee's, have banned teaching of "divisive" topics in K-12 schools. What is your opinion about these measures and how would you like the local school board to approach lessons that may make some parents uncomfortable?

I believe we must enforce a ban on CRT and radical politics in our schools. We all have a duty to address sensitive issues such as racism and sexuality - but they should be done at home, not in class.

My opponent has been quick to say no extremism is taught in our classrooms - but this is not the reality we are hearing from parents. This paper, for example, has reported on incidents with children as young as those in grade 4 being told to pretend to be slaves and this resulting in a lawsuit.

The "Wit and Wisdom" syllabus chosen by MNPS is diluted by too much political content and was initially rejected by the reviewing body for Tennessee. These are facts that cannot be avoided. Across the US, communities such as ours are demanding we get back to basics and focus on educating young minds - rather than indoctrinating them.

As Tennessee overhauls the education funding formula, what is your position on his approach and what might you recommend he do differently, if applicable?

We must always fight for our fair share of funds so that we have first-class facilities to teach in - and well paid educators. If the education formula does not affect all of the children that need support, they will not have the resources needed to be career ready as Nashville booms.

However, when it comes to the current board and my opponents, actions speak louder than words. They have not acted as good custodians and spent $14m on ineffective COVID consultants during the pandemic.

When they refused to investigate problems with that, they said - in all but words - that they don't care about being seen as responsible leaders and can't be trusted with public funds. When they act like that, the children ultimately suffer.

What else do you want voters to know about you that will help them make an informed decision on election day?

I want to thank everyone for being involved in the political process, regardless of who they vote for on August 4. I would be honored to have your vote and recognize that Democrat, Independent or Republican, all voters want our children to succeed.

A lot will be said in this election, and again, I would point out that aside from Fran Bush in District 6, the existing school board members have not made good on their words about supporting children and teachers with the actions we would expect to follow that such as spending taxpayer money carefully and ending mask mandates.

We have a board full of self-proclaimed "experts" that have overseen the decline of grades. Few of them respect the opinions of parents. Talk is cheap - but going back to basics and focusing on key subjects instead of political education is the main way we can make progress and restore a successful school system that people trust. Please connect with me via to learn more. Thank you for your consideration!

For all candidates: A "fun" question: When visitors ask you, "What should I do in Nashville?" what are the top 2 or 3 things or places you recommend?

For food: Loveless Cafe for Breakfast, Opryland Hotel at Christmas and SATCO or San Antonio Taco Company for a summer evening. To see: The Hermitage historical museum - home of our 7th president.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you interact with opponents and others? (Our definition of civility is being a good, active, honest and respectable citizen)


Call Opinion and Engagement Director David Plazas at (615) 259-8063, email him at or tweet to him at @davidplazas.

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Nashville Aug. 4 election: Kelli Phillips, candidate, school Board