Meet the Comic Behind the @RoyalFetus Account, Which is Almost Two Years Old

Meet the Comic Behind the @RoyalFetus Account, Which is Almost Two Years Old

Her name is Anne Victoria Clark, and she's the proud owner of the @RoyalFetus Twitter account, which she created... 583 days ago. That's the way things work, don't you know? First come scoops, then comes news, and then come parody the parody Twitter accounts. And after the likes of Angelina's Right Leg and New York's hanging crane, Clark is the fake social-media winner of today's royal-baby news: She owns @RoyalFetus, which will now gather an inordinate amount of klout  — we've her follower count grow leaps and bounds in the few minutes since we started writing this post. Essentially Clark has won the Powerball of Twitter, and it's just as good as that half-a-billion — sorry no, it's really not. Anyways, we had an e-mail interview with Clark just now and asked her about how she's taking this great baby news, if anyone is having account envy, and why she started this whole thing in the first place:

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First off, who are you? And are you a royal fanatic? Also all that isn't meant to sound super curt, but it's more like are you a social media fanatic, a satirist, or a person who really loves Kate+ Will?

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My name is Anne Victoria Clark. I’m an aspiring comedian and writer living in New York City. I write sketch comedy, mostly. I’m kind of a combination social media/royal fanatic. I grew up with a crush on Will, I loooove Kate, and a couple years ago I started Kate Middleton For The Win on Tumblr, a little before the wedding. People ended up really liking it, so I’ve tried to keep it going when I’ve had the time to dedicate to it. I have a day job and a lot of other projects so that can get tricky, but it’s a lot of fun to do so I always come back to it.

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And congratulations! How do you feel about the baby news?

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I’m so excited and happy for them! This is great! And I hope Kate feels better, I can’t believe she’s in the hospital! That must suck. And I’m very excited to see Kate’s maternity clothes, of course.

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Is there more pressure now that an actual royal fetus is here?

Absolutely! I have to think of fetus/pregnancy jokes for nine months straight — yikes — I’ll have to ask some of my pregnant friends for inspiration!

Will you keep up the tweets?

I will definitely be Tweeting regularly. It may ebb and flow, but there’s probably going to be a ton of news coming out about this over the next several months so I’ll have plenty to play with, I’m sure.

Has anyone asked for your account?

No, not yet! Is that a thing people are doing now?? I actually made the account even before the wedding. I figured that would be the next big thing and that people would be clamoring to register stuff when it finally happened. I wouldn’t dream of giving the account up though, this is going to be a lot of fun. Well, I mean, maybe if someone offered like, a million dollars. I’m not crazy.

And how do you feel about parody accounts?

I think they’re a lot of fun if they’re done well: ElBloombito, BronxZooCobra, CrankyKaplan, I think these are some really, really good ones and an example of how parody accounts can sometimes be more fun to follow than real people. I have seen some that seem to exist just for the sake of existing and getting followers and that’s a bummer. It’s all about whether you actually have something to say about what you’re parodying and can be entertaining and funny with it. I try not to Tweet something just to Tweet it, that’s annoying. But I think I know and care enough about the subject matter to make this worthwhile for me and the people who’ve come to enjoy what I’ve done in the past.

Have any parody accounts of Royal Fetus popped up? How do we know yours is the real deal?

I haven’t seen any others myself, but I don’t typically seek out parody accounts. I think if people like my tweets, they should follow me, and if they don’t they don’t. I will say that I care a lot about being funny and entertaining, and I am the only comedian I know who knows as much as I do about the royal family. So, there you go. Also I have over 1,000 followers as of right now, apparently. (What?!)