Meet the candidates vying for Winnebago County Board of Supervisors District 10

OSHKOSH ― The District 10 electorate will have their choice between incumbent Bryan Stafford and challenger Timothy A. Jacobson when they head to the polls April 2 to vote for a representative on the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors.

As part of the Northwestern's ongoing coverage, both candidates were asked to share their priorities for the Winnebago County Board ahead of the election. Here's what they said.

General election preview: Here's who's moving on to the general election after Tuesday's primary in Winnebago County

Bryan Stafford

Bryan Stafford
Bryan Stafford

Age: 49

Occupation: Small business owner and adjunct college professor

What would be your three priorities if elected? Collaborative focus on opioid abuse and deaths as well as suicide: Concentrate on proactive mental health care, easy-to-access resources, enhanced law enforcement resources, and focus on long-term recovery. I will create a resolution to establish a multi-discipline department task force beyond silo solutions.

Create a long-term and fiscally sustainable county plan: We thrive as a community by addressing critical needs, identifying goals and clearly communicating a supported plan. We must ensure a strong infrastructure and secure long-term financial obligations while being a champion of our limited taxpayer resources.

Renew the county’s focus on serving our neighbors: To better serve our residents, we must build bridges and create strong communication within all areas of county governance and local municipalities. We must forge pathways and form true partnerships with the city of Neenah and its departments while engaging community members to ensure all opinions are heard and acted upon.

Timothy A. Jacobson

Timothy Jacobson
Timothy Jacobson

Age: 44

Occupation: General Assembler 301 at Oshkosh Defense LLC and chief steward with the UAW local 578

What would be your three priorities if elected? I want to restore the public health department. My opponent gave a speech on how he supported respected life with health but initially abstained to vote for harm reduction vending machines. He also turned down a $63K grant in August 2022.

I want to restore DEI initiatives.

And I want to maintain services without raising taxes.

Have a story tip or public interest concern? Contact Justin Marville at

This article originally appeared on Oshkosh Northwestern: Winnebago County Board candidates Stafford, Jacobson share priorities