3 candidates vying for Macon-Bibb County Commission’s District 3 seat. Here’s who they are

Everett Slay, Stanley Stewart and Melvin Flowers are running to determine who will represent the Macon-Bibb County Commission’s third district for the next four years. The winner will replace Elaine Lucas, who reached her term limit.

Slay graduated from Point University in 2013 and has a background in business and business leadership. Stewart graduated from Morehouse College in 1993 and has since run a communications business in Macon specializing in marketing, public relations and advertising. Flowers works as a basketball coach for youth sports leagues, and has served as an official for high school basketball leagues in the area.

Major issues for the candidates include infrastructure and public safety. Other issues candidates touched on are strengthening relationships among community members, encouraging economic development and combating homelessness.

Early voting ends Friday, and Election Day takes place on May 21. Because the race is non-partisan, it will be decided in May instead of during the General Election in November. The winner’s term will begin Jan. 1.

The answers below are from the candidates in their own words, but slight edits have been made for clarity and writing style.

Everett Slay

What makes you qualified to run for office?

The qualifications that I possess and believe that would make me the great fit to hold a seat on Macon-Bibb County Commission is, first, my spirit to serve and serve as a servant-leader. In the climate in which we are living in today, whether on the national, state, and even the local levels of governments, our political leaders must show and embrace a temperance of Independence. I pledge as a future commissioner, to remain independent from special interests and prioritize the needs of OUR community above all else.

I have been well-trained at the Point University with a Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership; coupled with an Associates of Science in Mathematics. I have spent many years honing my craft as a celebrated store manager in and around Macon and vicinity. I have pastored and now serve as pastor/lead servant of The Sanctuary @ Gilead International Ministries Incorporated in Hapeville, Georgia (SacntuaryatGileadIntl.org).

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

It is my desire to reach more of the people in my District by becoming more visible and scheduling town hall meetings in facilities that will accommodate a safe place to come and voice their concerns. In doing so, I believe this will allow me to organize a strategic plan to present and work towards for the people. The climate in Macon has many of the citizens afraid to come out of their homes. Also, the apathy of many of our communities just do not trust or believe that their neighborhoods have been left out.

I will be transparent and show transparency and will be honored to be held accountable for my actions as well as the decorum of my character to all the citizens throughout my District 3 and across Macon-Bibb. I would like to have and establish more community-to-business relationships that we will be proud to embrace.

Simply said, my starting point is to listen. Then, listen some more, as well as, from others. Write down those concerns and form a strategic plan. Once in office, I will keep my word.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

In my professional opinion, the number one issue is to rebuild a trusting relationship with the community. Citizens in Macon-Bibb have been left to refill the purse of our municipal government and have not gotten a true receipt of the same. For example, we are more than 100 sheriff deputies short. No one recognized the decline in deputies until crime was climbing and registering with national and larger cities.

Secondly, crime is the next issue I would acknowledge. We must find the funding to hire and retain deputies today, and for the future. This investment would be for the people and by the people.

Thirdly, infrastructure investments would become an approach that will send a renewed vision to all citizens that OUR government cares about us. There are more that I can talk about, but I will rest with this as my third biggest issue. We must invest in people that we are serving and leading.

How do you plan to solve these issues while in office?

Starting with building relationships with other commissioners and leading the way with a strong voice and reminder that we are to serve the people at-large. Come to the table of discussion with researched information and a clear pathway to accomplish what might seem to be the initiable. Looking in the history of Macon-Bibb spending habits, the profit & loss statements of expenditures, and the future of what has been proposed will help with solving these issues. The leadership of our city must put in their view our greatest asset, it is PEOPLE.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

If the citizens of District 3 honor me with their vote as commissioner, I will assure that decisions are made transparently, with open communication and accountability every step of the way. With unwavering Integrity, I will uphold the highest ethical standards, always putting the interests of the people first. Loyal competence. With proven experience and a commitment to excellence, I am equipped to address the challenges facing OUR District and implement effective solutions. Instilled fairness. Every decision I make will be guided by my faith, fairness, and justice, ensuring equitable opportunities and outcomes for all residents.

Together with the residents, we can build a brighter future for District 3 based on independence, transparency, integrity, competence, and fairness. I am Everett Slay, and I am the right choice for county commissioner, District 3. Vote for progress, vote for Everett Slay!

Stanley Stewart

What makes you qualified to run for office?

My level of care and concern for Macon-Bibb has been exhibited for years, by way of being involved in the well-being of all of our citizens.

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

My way of connecting is the same way I have been doing for years...being involved and being there for my fellow citizens.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

The three issues of my campaign are economic development, public safety and infrastructure, and these issues translate across the city.

How do you plan to solve these issues while in office?

Through collaboration and citizen involvement.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

I hope voters know through my years of community involvement that I am always there for their best interest.

Melvin Flowers

What makes you qualified to run for office?

I was born and raised In East Macon and I know the people and the community. I have worked with the government for more than 30 years, not only as an employee, but as a community volunteer. I have a record of service to the people for many years — youths and seniors. I have the experience to fairly represent District 3, because I have been doing it for over 30 years in various ways.

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

I am a community person. I reach out to people and I have a proven record of interacting with families and especially seniors. They know my name and my commitment to serving them to make things better. I will continue with what I have already established.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

I think first and foremost crime is a number one issue. Pay to retain the best deputies is also a big concern, and homelessness stands out as a big and growing issue in Macon-Bibb.

How do you plan to solve these issues while in office?

I plan to work with the mayor and the other commissioners to continue to put programs like MVP in place to reduce crime. If we can stop the children from being criminal intent then the future is better. As we reduce the property taxes, we will be more able to increase our deputies’ pay. Homelessness is a problem that I think the mayor has done a great job to reduce and I will continue with programs in housing like he has going forward now.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

I am the only one in this field of candidates who has genuinely served the community for over 30 years, reducing crime by my mentoring program for youths and serving food to seniors for more than 25 years without even thinking I was going to run for office. I am the right servant of the people and the right choice. Vote for Melvin Flowers.