Meet Akhil Ganesh: The News Leader's new social justice reporter

The News Leader's new social justice reporter, Akhil Ganesh
The News Leader's new social justice reporter, Akhil Ganesh

Well, hello there Shenandoah Valley! I’m Akhil Ganesh, the new social justice reporter for The News Leader.

And I’m going to be perfectly honest here: This feels kind of weird.

It’s not because I don’t like talking about myself. Believe me, I have no problem with that. Just scroll down my Twitter (@akhildoesthings), I have no issue talking about myself for any person to see. You’ll see my ramblings on topics ranging from my research for work to my interactions with people on the street to my live reactions to sports and professional wrestling. You’ve been warned.

Social media plug aside, this feels weird because it’s supposed to be weird. I’m not usually the focus of the stories I write, and I hope I won’t have to be after this column.

So, allow me to pull back the curtain a little bit. I’ve already met some of you, as I was out and about on Election Day, specifically around Waynesboro. Then, I did the same thing with the mental health fair at Blue Ridge Community College a couple of days later.

I just wanted to talk to people. I wanted to understand the place that I now call home, and started asking around about how people felt about, well, everything. Of course, the nature of each event meant every conversation was different, but I was keen on learning more about what people were experiencing and feeling in the Valley.

I heard about the struggles that much of the Valley has been having with mental health. I’ve learned about the challenge of getting resources to people who need it most, especially in low-income communities. I found out about the fight to gain state-mandated accommodations for the transgender community in schools. I’ve been told, on multiple occasions, how much racism to expect in the area.

But more than anything, I heard a lot about a need for “communication." Almost to a person, I heard about a need for having difficult conversations and being able to be civil despite our personal disagreements as a community.

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That is one of my main goals as a reporter: to foster rational discussions about ways in which leaders are or are not serving the people. But I want to make sure that the civility doesn’t come at the cost of accountability. I want to help foster discussions that allow people to question authority and to speak freely about those in power that have been failing them.

The most important thing for me to do is to be a megaphone for people that have never had the chance to be amplified. Those are the new perspectives that we need to help the community have difficult and real conversations, and I hope to learn alongside your neighbors about the battles that you have been facing since before my parents and I stepped foot in the United States.

So please feel free to reach out to me via e-mail, Twitter, or just walking up to me in the street. Come up and say hi at Waffle House at four in the morning. I’m always up for a conversation, and I will always be a sounding board for the community. I want to hear your thoughts and concerns on the world you experience every day, so please don’t hesitate to share them with me.

I do ask a lot of questions, though.

—Akhil Ganesh is the Social Justice Enterprise Reporter at The News Leader. You can contact him at and follow him on Twitter @akhildoesthings.

This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: Meet Akhil Ganesh: Shenandoah Valley's new justice reporter