Mayor Bloomberg Failed to Talk Hillary Clinton Into Taking His Job

Mayor Bloomberg Failed to Talk Hillary Clinton Into Taking His Job

Politicos have been wringing their hands for months now, waiting to hear what Hillary Clinton will do after her stint as Secretary of State ends next month. Now we know one thing she won't do: Run for mayor of New York City. The New York Times's Michael Barbaro dropped a scoop on Monday night revealing that "Bloomberg encouraged Mrs. Clinton to consider entering the 2013 mayor's race" in a private phone call. Barbaro says that he confirmed the news with three unnamed sources and added, "She would, the mayor suggested, be a perfect fit." Hillary disagreed.

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Well, this is just silly. Hillary Clinton doesn't even live in New York City! (Not that she couldn't move there and establish residency just like she did when she decided to be a New York Senator.) And wasn't she supposed to make a big surprise announcement sometime in the next couple of years, revealing that she does, in fact, want to run for president again in 2016? Well, the last we heard she was definitely not running for president or any other political office. A few months ago, she told a crowd in India, "I feel it's time for me to get off the high wire." Plus, she has a lot of HGTV to catch up on.

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But as Barbaro insinuates in his piece, this story's not really about Hillary. It's about Michael "The Kingmaker" Bloomberg going to new lengths to secure his legacy as New York's greatest mayor ever. Or so he'd like to believe. "If in it fact he did say that to Hillary Clinton, it's only because he holds the position and therefore regards it as a step up from being president," Robert Zimmerman, a Democratic National Committee member from New York, told Barbaro. As a Democrat with about the best name recognition any politician could ask for, Hillary would be a shoe in for mayor. Plus, Bloomberg already has the super PAC set up that could fund her campaign.

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Alas, Hillary doesn't want Mike's job. Now the mayor's back to the old plan of supporting City Council speaker Christine Quinn, the woman who successfully lobbied to change the city's term limit laws so that Bloomberg could run for a third term. She's no Hillary Clinton, but maybe loyalty is a valuable quality, after all.