'Cool cat' Prince Philip should be celebrated as much as the Queen, says Crown actor Matt Smith

Matt Smith, as Prince Philip preparing to deliver his Christmas address - Alex Bailey/Netflix
Matt Smith, as Prince Philip preparing to deliver his Christmas address - Alex Bailey/Netflix

The Duke of Edinburgh should be celebrated as much as the Queen, Matt Smith, the actor, has said.

The 35-year-old, who plays the Duke in lavish Netflix royal drama The Crown, questioned why  the recently retired 96-year-old was not the subject of such reverence.

"Rightly, as a society, we've celebrated Elizabeth as a wonderful example of a powerful, stylish, brilliant woman," he told The Observer.

"But in many ways, what an example of a roguish, brilliant man. Why aren't we as men allowed to celebrate that, fictionally or not? And I just found a lot to celebrate in Philip."

While the first series of The Crown, the award-winning royal saga created by Peter Morgan, focused on the young Queen Elizabeth, played by Claire Foy, as she married and became Queen, the second turns its attention to the Duke in his younger heyday.

It begins with the Suez Crisis in 1956 and ends with the birth of Prince Edward in 1964.

Elizabeth and Philip enjoy a private moment at the Ambassadors Ball in The Crown - Credit: Robert Viglasky/Netflix
Elizabeth and Philip enjoy a private moment at the Ambassadors Ball in The Crown Credit: Robert Viglasky/Netflix

But the Queen, whom, it has been claimed, does watch the show with her son and daughter-in-law, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, may not find it easy viewing.

It opens with fissures in her marriage amid reports of the Duke cavorting around the globe with Australian equerry Mike Parker during a five-month solo tour.

But Smith is sympathetic. "If you strip away the royal family-ness of it, it's two human beings," he said.

"I challenge anyone if their partner said, 'By the way, you're going off for five months,' to not go, 'Whoa, hang on!' And I defy anyone to be married as long as they have and it be plain sailing the whole way. As human beings, they've struggled."

The notion that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh might snuggle down together to watch The Crown is an intriguing one that many a fan of the lavish royal drama has pondered.

Unfortunately, the Duke appears to have quashed any such prospect as utter folly, in characteristically brutal terms.

Smith revealed that a friend of his, "a man of prominence in the film world," was at a dinner hosted by the royal couple when he decided to bite the bullet and ask him outright.

"What do you do?" the Duke had asked. "Are you involved in this Crown thing?"

No, came the reply. But later on, as the meal ended, he plucked up the courage to ask: “Philip, I'm just wondering, because I have some friends who made The Crown, have you watched any?"

The Duke, so Smith’s story goes, stopped and glowered: "Don't. Be. Ridiculous."

The actor said: "Whether it's true or not, I don't know, but I just think he's a bit of a cool cat.

"And that's what I love about him: he's done what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, with whom he wants. He hasn't asked permission. And his wife's the Queen."

Smith admitted that he bore little resemblance to the Duke but said that when he got into the part, he found an “interesting synergy," such as their mutual love of sport.