Math May Be the Best Way To Communicate With Aliens If They Exist

Math is the universal language no matter the culture, and scientist believe the same can be said for aliens.

The debate on whether life outside of Earth actually exists is an ongoing one. However, people who believe aliens actually are real may be one step closer to making contact with the extraterrestrials thanks to Wendover Production’s latest instructional video listing ways people could go about communicating with space creatures.

The video, which was released Tuesday, explains how people should go about interacting with aliens verbally if humans actually do stumble upon other beings. Researchers already have revealed plans to send a signal next year to Proxima b, an exoplanet believed to be home to alien life. If scientists are successful in their mission and receive a signal back from the Earth-size planet, Wendover Productions suggested the best way to communicate harmoniously with other the life forms may be through math.

In the video, researchers referenced the many instances in human history where meetings between two culturally different civilizations typically resulted in the destruction of one of those cultures. However, math is universally recognized in the same manner no matter the language or cultural barrier, which is why scientists believe it would be the best way to talk to aliens if contact ever actually is made.

The researchers said looking at stars and analyzing the light level of various stars, or finding stars with orbiting satellites could be the first indication of alien life existing in space. After which, the video explains sending a radio signal could be the best way of transmitting some form of communication to the alien civilization. Deciphering a return signal from an alien planet could be problematic since it’s unclear what language extraterrestrials use to communicate, but because the distribution of words across all languages follows the same logarithmic scale, researchers said humans potentially could determine what aliens are trying to say by following the scale.

However, Wendover noted that following a logarithmic scale could still be hit-or-miss since there is no actual proof of aliens communicating in a verbal manner. By using math, shown through numerical and alphabetical equations or by demonstrating the Pythagorean Theorem, humans potentially could manage to communicate with aliens with mathematical examples that show humans understand the mathematical aspect of the universe.

Check out the video below.

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