Massive new wind farm coming to Adair County

Massive new wind farm coming to Adair County

In a huge move, MidAmerican Energy has announced plans to build two new wind farms in Adair County by the end of the year.

County residents can expect to see at least 275 new wind turbines. The company says it will bring new jobs, new money and renewable energy to central Iowa.

"Those are harvesting the wind – that's what they're doing," said Geoff Greenwood, a spokesperson for MidAmerican Energy. "They're harvesting a renewable energy source that doesn't stop."

It's part of a broader plan for the company to run on 90 percent renewable energy by 2020. Right now, they're about halfway to that goal.

"It is a huge jump. Iowa is a leader in renewable energy, and MidAmerican Energy, as our customers have, has embraced renewable energy and wind energy," Greenwood said.

A plot of land just south of Stuart will be home to 125 of those new turbines. The two new projects will bring in more than $10 million in taxes and landowner payments – not to mention, 250 construction jobs, along with 23 full-time positions.

"Both wind turbines will result in jobs, whether it's construction, maintenance or operations," Greenwood said. MidAmerican has built more than 2,300 wind turbines across Iowa, and a seemingly countless number of the towering structures fill the Adair horizon.

MidAmerican said the state has come a long way in a short time.

"Renewable energy is something that our customers demand, and Iowa is a leader in wind energy," Greenwood said.

The company said an increase in wind energy could mean lower energy bills, and those two wind farms are set to be operational by the end of this year.