Mars Orbiter Sends Breathtaking First Color Image

From Popular Mechanics

Two years ago, a new spacecraft entered orbit around the planet Mars. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter was a joint project between the European Space Agency and Roscosmos, designed to study the red planet’s atmosphere. After two years of maneuvering, the TGO is finally in position to start its primary science mission, and it began by sending back an incredible photo of the Martian surface:

Photo credit: ESA/Roscosmos/CaSSIS
Photo credit: ESA/Roscosmos/CaSSIS

The primary mission of the TGO is to study the gases of the martian atmosphere to learn more about the history of Mars. In particular, the orbiter will look for traces of methane in the atmosphere, which could hint at various geological or biological processes. In a best case scenario, finding methane could be important evidence of microbial life on Mars.

Over the past two years, the TGO has been maneuvering into a low circular orbit around Mars, where it can sample the atmosphere at high altitudes. A few weeks ago, the TGO finally reached that orbit and began testing out its various cameras and other pieces of equipment.

As part of that testing period, the TGO took a photo of a crater on the Martian surface with its Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System high-resolution camera. The photo in question features a region of the planet around 25 miles in length.

Source: ESA

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