Mars influences Earth’s climate, scientists discover

Mars - Mars influences Earth's climate, scientists discover
There is now geological proof that Mars affects Earth's climate - Alamy

Mars affects Earth’s climate by dragging it closer to the Sun in 2.4 million-year cycles, scientists have found.

Researchers have discovered geological evidence proving how the gravitational pull of Mars influences long-term global warming, speeding up the circulation of the oceans.

The team, from the University of Sydney and Sorbonne University, used drilling data dating back 65 million years from hundreds of sites worldwide to look at how deep-sea currents change over time.

Samples of the ancient sediments showed that the strength of ocean currents wax and wane in 2.4 million year cycles, the same timescale in which the orbits of Mars and Earth interact in a gravitational dance.

Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz, from Sydney’s School of Geoscience, said: “We were surprised to find these 2.4-million-year cycles in our deep-sea sedimentary data.

“There is only one way to explain them: they are linked to cycles in the interactions of Mars and Earth orbiting the Sun.”

Earth is 200,000 years into current warming cycle

The interactions of the planets are known as ‘astronomical grand cycles.’

For the Earth it means the gravitational impact of Mars pulls the planet slightly closer to the Sun over a period of 1.2 million years – leading to periods of increased solar radiation and a warmer climate – before it loses its grip and Earth drifts further away again.

Co-author Professor Dietmar Muller, of the University of Sydney said: “The gravity fields of the planets in the solar system interfere with each other and this interaction, called a resonance, changes planetary eccentricity, a measure of how close to circular their orbits are.”

Earth is around 200,000 years into the current warming cycle, and will reach the next warming peak in around one million years, but trying to find evidence of impact in the geological record has proven difficult.

The team found evidence of deep eddies which corresponded to the periods of warming as Earth came closer to the Sun and the seas were at their most vigorous.

The eddies are like giant whirlpools and stretch down to the seabed, causing erosion and large sediment accumulations called contourites, akin to snowdrifts, which can be spotted written into the rock.

Discovery will make climate models more accurate

Although the cycles are not linked to the current rapid global warming, the researchers say the discovery will help make climate models more accurate, as well as giving an insight into how warming might change the oceans.

The team also believes that the eddies produced by the interaction with Mars could help to offset some of the effects of a faltering Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) – the warm ocean current which drives the Gulf Stream and maintains temperate climates in Europe.

Some scientists predict that the AMOC could collapse, plunging the world into a new ice age, and causing devastation to ocean species who rely on the current replenishing oxygen in the water.

“Much ocean life depends on oxygen, and the mixing of oxygen from the atmosphere into the water column,” added Prof Muller. “Our deep-sea data spanning 65 million years suggests that warmer oceans have more vigorous deep circulation.

“This will potentially keep the ocean from becoming stagnant even if Atlantic meridional overturning circulation slows or stops altogether.”

The research was published in the journal Nature Communications.

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