Mark Ruffalo Says The Hulk Has ‘Swagger’ In ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk was missing in “Captain America: Civil War,” but he will make a reappearance in the latest Chris Hemsworth-starrer “Thor: Ragnarok.”

Ruffalo told Entertainment Weekly that the Hulk will be a changed man in the “Thor” film, and it seems like he’s gotten a better grip on his rage. “He’s much more of a character than the green rage machine you’ve seen in the Avengers movies,” Ruffalo said of his character. “He’s got a swagger. He’s like a god.”

Once he reunites with Thor (Hemsworth), the two Avengers will go on a universal road trip. Director Taika Waititi teased that Hemsworth’s comedic chops will be showcased in the movie and guaranteed that fans would absolutely love it. “He’s so good and underutilized in that department,” Waititi said. “He’s legitimately one of the funniest things in this film.”

Read More: Taika Waititi share hilarious behind-the-scenes photo of “Thor: Ragnarok”

Hemsworth and Ruffalo will be joined by “Thor” characters both familiar and new. Tom Hiddleston will be reprising his role as Loki, while Anthony Hopkins will play Odin. As for the new players, the film will introduce a new heroine named Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson). There’s also Hela (Cate Blanchett) and Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum).

Hela is Thor’s most formidable opponent yet, and Hiddleston told IGN that even Loki is terrified of her. Due to this, the two half-brothers reluctantly team up. “It’s the kind of destruction that both Thor and Loki have never seen, on a scale of terror they’ve never ever seen before. So, they fall back on their brotherhood fractured though it is to see what they can do to stop her,” he said.

Meanwhile, Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange will be making a cameo in the movie, and he will team up with the main players to face off against intergalactic villains “both familiar and new.”

“Thor: Ragnarok” will be released on Nov. 3.

Mark Ruffalo
Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo will appear in “Thor: Ragnarok” as the Hulk. In this photo, the actor, who was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Spotlight,” arrives at the 88th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California on Feb. 28, 2016. Photo: Reuters/Adrees Latif

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