What Mark Halperin Called Obama on Morning Joe

Well, now we know how Time's Mark Halperin felt about Obama's debt ceiling speech. On Thursday's  Morning Joe, Halperin just came out and said "I thought he was kind of a dick yesterday" in front of a seemingly annoyed Joe Scarborough. After realizing the gravity of calling the president "a dick" on national TV, he later apologized. The best part of the clip, as Politico noticed, was what Scarborough said of the new executive producer who didn't hit the censor button fast enough: "You are supposed to know how to do the job," Scarborough said of the hapless producer. "I would tell you what I think of him, but he doesn’t know what button to push."

RELATED: 'The Other Dickgate': Poor Mark Halperin

Here's the condensed, convenient 30-second gaffe roundup. Enjoy:

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