Mariska Hargitay ssss-urprises fans with childhood connection to snakes

Just call her Marisssska Hargitay.

The "Law & Order: SVU" star showed off her surprising love of snakes by sharing a photo on Instagram on March 19 of her calmly holding a yellow boa constrictor as it appears to slither up the side of her face.

It turns out that before she was dealing with the snakes in the criminal justice system as Capt. Olivia Benson, she loved them as a child.

"So… fun fact-When I was a kid, we had a boa constrictor as a pet," she captioned the Instagram carousel. "I know I know… I got to hold this gorgeous creature yesterday. It brought me right back! #SnakeKisses #Snake #SnakeLife #Trust #SnakeCharmer #Reputation (my version) #AlbinoSnake."

In true Hargitay nurturing fashion, she tried to assuage the fears of her fans who were scared reptiles.

"By the way, I’m reading all these comments of everybody that is so scared of snakes and I guarantee that if you were with me I would hold your hand and you would be able to do it too," she wrote.

One Instagram commenter said she has memories of Hargitay's love for serpents as a kid.

"I remember your snakes!" author Angelique L'Amour commented. "They never bothered me, but I remember being at one of your birthday parties when we were little and somebody bursting into tears when you came out holding yours."

Others marveled at Hargitay being calmer than Benson in the interrogation room as she holds the snake.

"Omg I’d be terrified but somehow you make it look like a cute fluffy kitten," one person commented.

"Even a snake surrenders to this charm! ❤️🐍" another wrote.

"I’m not sure I would’ve be so calm around a snake 😂 You really are badass and fearless 🥰'" another commented.

Hargitay, 60, is no stranger to adventure with animals. She and her family went on a safari in Kenya in January, where she cozied up with a giraffe and got up close to a lion and a rhino.

"Making friends all over the place!" she wrote on Instagram.

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