Marco Rubio Probably Isn't Laughing About Teleprompters Now

During his very-serious, VP-sounding speech, Sen. Marco Rubio lost the last page of the speech. If only someone would invent a device that would help speakers keep track of what they plan to say! There is, and Rubio has spent years making fun of it.

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Here are a couple of Rubio's teleprompter zingers: 

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  • Rubio calls President Obama “the most articulate and talented teleprompter reader in America,” New York Times MagazineJanuary 2010

  • "And the president couldn't find anywhere to set up a teleprompter to announce new taxes" Rubio at CPAC, quoted by the New York Times February 2010

  • "I doubt I'll be able to give you the best speech you ever heard," Rubio said at the National Conservative Student Conference in 2011. "My teleprompter got left at the office."

  • "It's hard to get a teleprompter in this town, there's someone who uses it a lot." Rubio as quoted by The Nation February 9, 2012

Oh, and here's the full speech which Rubio didn't have today, on the web. Maybe he just needs to start carrying an iPad to the podium?