How Many Veep Candidates Have Been Picked From the House?

A look at past elections shows that only four sitting House members have been on Democratic or Republican tickets since 1900, one of them a Speaker of the House.

1908  Rep. James Sherman of New York, Republican

< class="photo full"> < class="photoCredit">AP Photo </div> < class="caption">President Taft and Vice President James S. Sherman stand during their inauguration parade. Sherman had previously served in the House from 1887 to 1903, with a two-year gap between 1891 and 1893. </div> </div>

1932  Speaker John Nance Garner of Texas, Democrat

< class="photo full"> < class="photoCredit">AP Photo </div> < class="caption">Then Presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt stands with John Nance Garner, his running mate, on Roosevelt's private train. He previously served as the 44th Speaker of the House. </div> </div>

1964  Rep. Bill Miller of New York, Republican

< class="photo full"> < class="photoCredit">AP Photo </div> < class="caption">Senator Barry Goldwater, R-Arizona, right, republican presidential nominee, and his vice presidential running mate, Rep. William E. Miller of New York, appears together on Capitol Hill in Washington, August 14, 1964. </div> </div>

1984  Rep. Geraldine Ferraro of New York, Democrat

< class="photo full"> < class="photoCredit">AP Photo </div> < class="caption">Geraldine Ferraro was a member of the House from 1979 to 1985. </div> </div>

2012  Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Republican

< class="photo full">

< class="photoCredit">AP Photo/Mary Altaffer </div> < class="caption">

Mitt Romney and vice presidential running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.

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