Manspreading is now banned on public transit in Madrid for the good of humanity 856c df7e%2fthumb%2f00001 856c df7e%2fthumb%2f00001

Manspreaders, your behavior and actions are so offensive that they're being banned across the globe.

In the wake of warnings against manspreading on display in public transit facilities around the world, The Municipal Transportation Company in Madrid is banning the invasive act in all buses in the city.

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According to CNN, the Madrid Municipal Transport Company created a warning icon similar to NYC's "Dude, Stop the Spread, Please" campaign, which encourages bus riders to please keep their legs to one seat, and one seat only. 

Madrid's anti-manspreading icon
Madrid's anti-manspreading icon

Image: EMT Madrid

"This new icon's mission is to remind people of the need to keep a civil behavior and respect the space of everyone on the bus," the Madrid Municipal Transport Company said. "This new icon is similar to those already existing in other transport systems around the world to indicate the barring of body posture that bothers other people."

The transportation agency's decision to stop the spread came after months of campaigning by women's rights groups. One group called Mujeres en Lucha started the campaign #MadridSinManspreading (#MadridWithoutManspreading) for the good of women everywhere who've had their seat taken over by a man's wandering knee. 

Men, close your legs or get off the bus. It's the law.

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