Manatees, sloths and more: Ocala students tell Matt all about their favorite animals

Dear Friends,

My podmates and I really enjoyed reading your letters and hearing about your favorite animals. Thank you for sharing those with us! It’s so much fun hearing all your stories.

We are curious to hear about your teachers. How does your teacher help you learn, and what is your favorite thing about your teacher? They must work very hard and love their jobs a lot. Would you like to be a teacher someday? Let me know what you think!

Your friend,

Matt Manatee

Editor's note: Please send letters, pictures and jokes to and write "Matt Manatee" in the message line. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, March 22. A selection will be published on Friday, April 5. 

Dear Matt,

I haven’t swam with a manatee, but I have seen a manatee. I want to swim with one and have seen one up close. Have you seen one up close? Maybe, since you are a manatee! I want to swim with a dolphin, too! What do you want to see and swim with?

Your friend,

Quinn Byall

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

*Dear Quinn: I see a manatee up close every morning when my brother pokes me with his muzzle to wake me up. I would like to swim with a sea turtle – I haven’t done that yet!

Dear Matt,

No, I haven’t swam with a manatee because I don’t like how they look. I would like to see a deer because I like how fuzzy they are!

Your friend,

Jack Keuntjes

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

I want to see an axolotl and I want to see an orange and a pink one.

Your friend,

Corbin Meeks

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

I would like to swim with a manatee. It is my one wish to swim with manatees.

Your friend,

Cora Grace

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

My favorite animal is a puppy and a dog because I like that they’re playful and dogs are so so cute because I have a cute dog at my house.

Your friend,

Aurianna Harvey

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

My favorite animals are sloths. I like them because of their color. But I have seen a manatee. I live next to Silver Springs and I get to see them, but I really want to swim with one. It might be fun. I really like manatees because they are so fantastic.

Your friend,

Aubrey Jones

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

Oh, can I call you Mattie? My favorite animal is an elephant. I wish that I could go to Africa and see one.

Your friend,

Kamel Holt

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

I like silver sliders because they have bushy tails and they are super cute with their cute pink noses and little eyes. They live in the wild and climb trees. I love my silver sliders so much. I will never give them away.

Your friend,

Mariah Fox

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

My favorite animal is a flamingo. I did swim with manatees, I liked it too. I like flamingos because they have long legs and I like their pink feathers. Did you know they eat fish? I am sad that manatees are about to not exist.

Your friend,

Liana Rudnianyn

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

*Dear Liana: Me too! Let’s do everything we can to help the environment and my manatee family!

Dear Matt,

I like cats, they can hear animals far away. A cat paw is smooth and sharp. They have good eyes to see in the dark. I love cats, they are a good pet :)

Your friend,

Josiah Cox

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

I like squirrels and my brother likes sea cows and cows. I like manatees too. I like to stick my hand in the water.

Your friend,

Brock Horton

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

If I could meet a wild animal, I would like to meet a sloth because I think they are cute. The first reason is because their eyes look like angels. The second reason is because how the way they eat. The third reason is because how they walk on branches real real slow is really cute.

Your friend,

Aliyah Hurrell

Second Grade, Sparr Elementary

Dear Matt,

If I could meet a wild animal I would like to meet a lion. The first reason is so I can see how they hunt zebras. The second reason is that I get to see how good they are at hunting. The third reason is that I can see how they teach their cubs how to hunt and protect their cubs.

Your friend,

Ariel Oliver

Second Grade, Sparr Elementary

Dear Matt,

If I could meet a wild animal, I would like to meet a cheetah because I think they are cool. The first reason is because I want to race with one. The second reason is because I want to pet one. The third reason is because I want to learn about them.

Your friend,

Aslin Bikfalvy

Second Grade, Sparr Elementary

From Liana Rudnianyn, Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary School
From Liana Rudnianyn, Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary School

Dear Matt,

If I could meet a wild animal, I would like to meet a fox because I think they are wonderful. The first reason is because you can see them. The second reason is because I like their color. The third reason is because they have really sharp teeth.

Your friend,

Brandon Forsyth

Second Grade, Sparr Elementary

Dear Matt,

My favorite animal is a flamingo, because it is pink and pink is my favorite color.

Your friend,

Adalyn Frazier

First Grade, St. John’s Elementary

Dear Matt,

I want to swim with dolphins because they are cute and funny and fun.

Your friend,

Layla Trieber

First Grade, St. John’s Elementary

Dear Matt,

I would love to swim with you, but I really like turtles because I can ride them.

Your friend,

Remi Licciardello

First Grade, St. John’s Elementary

Dear Matt,

I want to swim with sharks. I have been in a manatee home and I want to go to a Great White Sharks.

Your friend,

Oliver Jackson

First Grade, St. John’s Elementary


Dear Matt,

What would you get if you cross TNT with old songs?

A Blast From the Past!

Your friend,

Ezra Cruz

First Grade, St. John’s Elementary

Dear Matt,

How does a pickle learn?

He uses his brine!

Your friend,

Everett Prosoco

First Grade, St. John’s Elementary

This article originally appeared on Ocala Star-Banner: Favorite animals? Kids tell Matt Manatee all about theirs