Man sentenced in child pornography case

EAU CLAIRE — An Eau Claire man convicted on multiple counts of possessing child pornography will spend three years in prison and remain under court supervision for four years after his release.

Glenn Kuehn, 54, was found guilty of eight counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of capturing an intimate representation. Prosecutors had hoped for a slightly longer sentence, with three to four years in prison on each count and one of the counts running consecutive to the others. Judge Sarah Harless ordered each sentence to run concurrently.

The sentence also bars Kuehn from using any device that can access the internet or from having internet access unless it’s pre-approved. It also bars him from contact with anyone under the age of 18. He is also required to register as a sex offender.

According to the criminal complaint, the case had an unusual origin. Authorities were contacted by Kuehn’s employer after Kuehn told him he had uploaded child pornography to his Dropbox account. The company flagged Kuehn when he was trading child pornography with another Dropbox user.

Dropbox later contacted police separately, giving them access to Kuehn’s account. Investigators found a range of pornographic videos involving children, including one with the file name “when you’r a pedo your a pedo.”

Other files in Kuehn’s account showed apparently consensual sexual acts with other men. But those led to other questions. Some of the men told investigators they didn’t know Kuehn had filmed their encounters, leading to additional charges.

Kuehn was found guilty on all charges by a jurors following a March trial.