Man Loses Over 300 Pounds In Amazing Weight Loss Transformation!

Jermaine first came to The Doctors last season weighing 639 pounds fearing he was going to die at only 36 years old. He questioned how much longer he was going to live.

In addition to constant pain, he was plagued by a slew of health issues, including an extremely enlarged liver.

Watch: Man’s Emotional Family Reunion after 300-Pound Weight Loss

Jermaine was slated to spend 5 months working with Eric Viskovicz at Live In Fitness but he ended up in the program for an entire year where he lost an amazing 300 pounds. The approach of the program is natural and healthy eating, exercise and group classes.

"I'm like a new person," he says of losing the weight.

Debuting his amazing transformation for the first time to his mom Gretchen and his sister Anita, Jermaine joins The Doctors showing off his 300-pound weight loss.

"Healthy eating and working out hard, that's all it took," he tells The Doctors. "If I can do this, anybody can." He says that now eating healthy and exercising is "entwined" with who he is.

Watch: Losing 300-Pounds Entirely Changed This Man’s Health

During his time at Live In Fitness, Eric says Jermaine helped inspire others with their weight loss journey and he was made an honorary trainer during his stay.

We are also joined by internist Dr. Melina Jampolis, who has the results of Jermaine latest round of tests from Quest Diagnostics regarding his health.

Dr. Jampolis shares that he was pre-diabetic before the weight loss, and now his tests show that his blood sugar control is now healthy. She also shares that his marker of inflammation, which can be a sign of possible heart disease, is now at a normal level. The one area of concern from the tests is his cholesterol levels, which have actually gone up. Dr. Jampolis says this can happen for some during a dramatic weight loss, but she says this can be addressed.

"I think about before, I always thought I was happy... but now seeing the way I am, I wasn't happy back then. And now, I'm just ready, I'm ready to live, to adventure," Jermaine says.

To help him continue on his healthy journey, our friends at Instacart are going to provide him with $2500 worth of healthy groceries delivered to his door, and Orangetheory Fitness gifts him am 18-month membership and a heart monitor. Also, Destination XL has given Jermaine $3000 for new clothes. In a final surprise, plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Smith of the Great Lakes Plastic Surgery Center has offered to give Jermaine excess skin removal surgery at no cost to him.

"This may seem difficult, this may seem impossible... but just know, if you work hard, if you motivate yourself, anything is possible. I didn't think I could do this. I was basically daydreaming about my funeral... and now, I'm daydreaming about the future," Jermaine says. "Take that first step, it all starts one step. You move and you keep moving and you don't stop moving until you reach that goal."